We are the trusted news and resource hub for anyone with an interest in rural and urban land issues in South Africa and the subcontinent. We focus on environmental rights, land policy and law and the impacts of climate change and mining.
KB.L seeks to bring to life all aspects of the ‘land issue’, recognizing that land...
Section 25 of the Constitution sets out the balance that must be struck in protecting property rights and enabling equitable access to land, advancing land and water reform, ensuring security of tenure where people’s land rights are unrecorded or vulnerable in law and restoring rights lost through dispossession and forced removals. Section 25(1) – Section 25(4) set out core property rights. At the same time it is important to...
We explore how all the different actors and rural and urban land settings are connected....
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A project of Phuhlisani NPC supported by Absa. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. International License.